2020 Investor Outlook

by George T. Clarke on

By George T. Clarke, CPA/PFS, MSF

January 15, 2020 - Happy New Year! What a difference a year makes. Just over a year ago the stock market was plunging and came perilously close to ending what has become the longest bull market ever recorded. In December 2018, dropping stocks were suggesting an...

What If...

by George T. Clarke on

I was recently sitting in the baggage claim of Boston's Logan Airport waiting for my son’s plane to arrive from Denver when a simple airport rendezvous turned into an unexpected rescue mission of sorts.

While I was waiting, an elderly woman approached asking if she could borrow a phone to call her...

Thank You for the ULTIMATE Service

by Chrissy McCormack on

Memorial Day:  A day when the United States mourns those members who died in active military service.

How do you honor the men and women of our country who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom? Well, if you live in Cohasset, you have three days of events honoring and memorializing those who...

No, I’m not talking about Disney World; but rather the Natick Outdoor Store; a sporting goods store outside Boston.  My son is building a canoe as part of a high school project, for which he is thrilled as he loves to fish.  For our household the challenge of owning a canoe is the minor detail of...

Do You Desire “Retirement Peace of Mind?”

by George T. Clarke on

In December 2012, a landmark study was launched to determine a national retirement peace of mind.[1] It included more than 6,000 respondents age 45 and older. It found that average Americans have a lot of challenges and a lot of expectations for their retirement years.

Retirement Expectations


When the Parent Becomes the Child

by George T. Clarke on

Providing Care for Older Individuals

It should come as no surprise to anyone that we’re living longer.[1]  Over the past century, medical science has defeated numerous diseases that once shortened the lives of many.  These extra years are not without their problems; living longer allows people to...

The Lower the Latitude, the Better the Attitude

by Chrissy McCormack on

Well folks, I am back after an 8-day annual vacation to Cancun, Mexico with my loved ones.  We came home to a nasty windstorm and then a snowstorm the following day.  I still ask myself why we live here, but it always comes back to my roots.  This is where my roots are and this is why I take such...

Financial Hacks for Millennials

by George T. Clarke on

With age comes responsibility, so if you're a young adult in your 20s or 30s, chances are you've been introduced to the realities of adulthood.  While you are excited by all the opportunities life has to offer, you're also aware of your emerging financial responsibility.  In the financial realm, the...

Handling Market Volatility

by George T. Clarke & Rick Ropelewski on

Posted by George T. Clarke, CPA/PFS, MSF and Rick Ropelewski, CFP, MBA

Conventional wisdom says that what goes up must come down.  But even if you view market volatility as a normal occurrence, it can be tough to handle when the volatility is high (as it is now) and your money is at stake.  Though...